Protect the roof over your head!

As many Sydneysiders have discovered in recent weeks, heavy rainfall can bring with it an awful mess.

Dispersed branches, endless debris, burst plumbing, hail damage or even mould from flooding and steady moisture. While all else is looking lush green and lovely, there’s no denying that the aftermath is nothing but a crummy cleanup.

But what if it were possible to minimise rain damage and potentially avoid a costly insurance claim?

Short answer: it is.

The solution lies in the roof of your home – your strongest line of defence against any weather condition. And if you’ve ever had the unfortunate experience of a leaky roof and unanticipated water damage, chances are it’s been linked to overflow from clogged gutters.

As gutters are the veins flowing from your roof to the ground, clean ones are essential for protecting the foundation of your home and preventing build-up above, which certainly won’t make for pleasant company on the couch during bad weather.

Excess water can also wreak havoc in and around your home by forming cracks in walls, which can allow water to seep inside and provide the perfect breeding ground for mites and mosquitoes.

So if you don’t fancy a swim in your living room or a flourishing supply of insects, a regular inspection and removal of leaves in your gutters is a must. It might be at the bottom of your weekend jobs, but it could save you from hitting the roof (quite literally) in many storms to come.

Need help? Get in touch with the team today!
Call (02) 4628 033 or email